Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Andy Goldsworthy

I'm looking at Andy Goldsworthy for inspiration because he bases his projects around nature. The materials Goldsworthy uses include colourful flowers, icicles, leaves, mud, snow, stones, twigs and thorns. He has been quoted to say "I think it's incredibly brave to be working with flowers and leaves and petals. But I have to: I can't edit the materials I work with. My remit is to work with nature as a whole."

The dead leaves all over the floor work with the sculpture. The image has an ery feel to it with the dark light and scenery. The sculpture is the only thing in the image which is white which means that your eyes go straight to it. I want the audience to do that to my heart.

I chose this image because the colours of the leaves and how he's set them out is beautiful. It inspires me to create that same colour in my images.

The simplisty of this image is great. I love the scenery, how it looks almost dead then the sculpture is just sat next to it makes your eyes go straight to the sculpture. I would love to find a scenery like this with the pigs heart hung on the tree. I would show the difference between life and death.